Congratulations to the Winners of WILD Words
Celebrating Big Topics & Millennial Voices
The WILD Words Writing Competition was launched last year to give new voices a chance in the spotlight. Hundreds of submissions were received and today we announce the winners.
Acting Editor Charlie Hale says, “WILD has always been a place where you can read the big topics and our winning pieces were those that tackled some complex but of-the-moment issues. We selected a timely piece on ‘love bombing’ and emotional abuse, a personal story on the harmful ‘model minority’ stereotype, a surprising article on the carbon footprint of our internet habits, and a beautiful short story inspired by the Tasmanian coastline.
“It’s a selection that perfectly sums up the spirit of WILD and we hope you’re as inspired by our winners and their words as we were.”
The winners are…
Personal — The toxic effect of ‘model minority’ by Aleczander Gamboa
‘Model minority’ characterises Asian Australians as smart, hard-working and compliant, but living this myth is far from rewarding. Here, WILD Words Writing Competition winner, Aleczander Gamboa, unpacks the harmful narrative.
Aleczander Gamboa is a freelance writer who tackles topics from skincare to sustainability. When he’s not writing, you can find him feeding his retinol addiction. Read more of his work at and connect with him on Twitter @aleczzzander for yarns about pop culture.
Political/Social Commentary — ‘Love bombing’: The red flag that looks like romance by Isabelle Comber
In a world that romanticises grandiose demonstrations of affection, it can be hard to recognise ‘love bombing’ for what it is: emotional abuse. WILD Words Writing Competition winner, Isabelle Comber, explores why there is nothing romantic about this brand of ‘love’.
Isabelle Comber is a freelance writer who is interested in human relationships, technology and futurism. She has written for The Sydney Morning Herald, Good Food and places around the internet.
Environmental — Greening the web by Laura Alario
When you think about your carbon footprint, the internet might not spring to mind, but all that browsing is not free of emissions. WILD Words Writing Competition winner, Laura Alario, shares how you can green up your internet habits.
Laura Alario is a French-born writer based in Sydney. She is passionate about sparking conversation around women’s health, wellness trends and all things sustainability. Find her at @lauraa.alario
Fiction — Going home by Sarah MacDonald
WILD Words winner Sarah MacDonald’s piece is inspired by the wild, wintery Tasmanian coastline where she grew up. She is interested in how places tell stories and how the minutiae of human interactions can reveal so much about relationships.
Sarah MacDonald is a Sydney-based journalism and law student, content editor and freelance food blogger. She loves slow Sunday-night dinners, good books, early-morning Pilates classes and fresh flowers from the farmer’s market. Find her on Instagram @sarahsspoonful
Winners have been notified of their win and will have their articles published in WILD magazine in the coming months.
About WILD
Millennials have much to say — and WILD is increasingly where they want to share it. This is because WellBeing WILD celebrates millennial voices. We provide a platform for discussion and connection, a place to push the boundaries of the status quo.

We don’t shy away from the icky stuff; we’re loud, we’re proud and we take up space. We rival the constraints of the norm and the human form — we know anything is possible. We exist to reinforce the purity of one message: stay wild. Don’t let life tame you. Stay open and stay curious.
We’re politically engaged, ambitious, career-driven, arts and culture enthusiasts and we care about social issues. We’re media consumers and have a sustainable and global mindset. We’re style-conscious, educated and inclusive. We love to optimise our life and work routines for the better. We are forging a new way forward.
About Universal Media Co
WellBeing WILD is published by the Universal WellBeing Group at Universal Media Co, Australia’s largest publisher of targeted mediums specialising in helping marketers find targeted audiences via print and online media. Universal’s 53 magazine brands include leaders in Home, Craft, Bike and some Lifestyle categories, plus 12 niche web portals. The company owns the Australian Publishing Company and Universal Online Media. Universal Media Co is an independently owned private company.
WellBeing WILD magazine is available at a Newstand, Coles, Paper Plus, Airport, Gym, Yoga Studio or Coworking Space near you. WILD is also available online.